A New Year for many means setting up goals/resolutions and attempting to succeed, and for others it just means partying until the sun rises and continuing doing what they have always been doing.  I say if you are slightly interested in pursuing a goal, in changing something about your life or becoming a happier being, then this is the perfect time to make that decision and go for it.  When or how you do it is not as important as making the decision to do it.  Committing to the pursuit of a goal or change in habits is as easy as you want to make it.  How is that possible? You may ask. Well, as Robert H. Schuller said “if it’s going to be, it’s up to me.”

The most intrinsic thought pattern that must be embraced when craving change is that of “I can achieve anything that I put my mind and soul to do.”  The human has possession and control over a powerful tool – our own thoughts.  This tool can be our best friend or our worst enemy. Because of this fact, we must become aware of its powers and learn to guide it. Understanding the power of your inner thoughts can mean the difference between achieving a goal or failing without even trying.  But, how can you train and guide your inner thoughts?

For starters, you should be able to quiet yourself from the daily demands and reflect on what it is that you honestly expect and desire as a final outcome.  The most critical aspect of this reflection process is honesty.  Being able to truthfully critique and understand yourself for who you are can be the key that opens the door to a happy and successful life.  It can be hard to look at your image in a mirror and analyze yourself.  But, knowing that it can be the most rewarding aspect of development should help you go through it.

Only you have the power to make things happen.  Only you have control over your own thoughts and which direction to guide them.  Communicating with your inner being, becoming in tune with the “you” that many times we want to avoid looking at can be the deciding factor for your success.  Individuals tend to avoid the path that shows initial pain, sacrifice, and apparent darkness.  We tend to like instant gratification, immediate reward that does not require much sacrifice on our part.  But, in deciding moments we must ask ourselves – is this instantaneous reward going to last me as long as I want it? Where is it going to take me? Where would I be one, three, even five years from now if I decide to go this route? Is this what I truly desire? Or will I be less than 100% satisfied with this? What is the long term outcome of taking this path? Observing the inner being is one of those activities that does not always provide an immediate reward and requires ongoing effort and work on our part.  However, it is also one activity that will show long term rewards and success when cultivated and cared for. Just remember if it was easy everyone will be doing it.

As you become more familiar with your desired outcome, and are able to reflect and honestly have an inner evaluation of your emotions, the need to act and begin planning increases.  The excitement of exploring a new path empowers the soul.  A new journey begins within, but can be easily lost if an action plan is not established and an accountability system put in place immediately.  These are factors that can prevent success and that are tight up together.

Begin analyzing yourself and follow your instincts.  Pay attention to the inner soul, be confident on your desires, determine an action plan and succeed in everything you do.  Put your mind to it and it will happen!!!

……..stay tune to read about setting up action plans and accountability systems……

